Hello All,
I would like to go on record as saying Curlies are the smartest horses I have ever met. My Curlies are teaching me just how intelligent they are by outsmarting me at feeding time; loading on the trailer and remembering my every move but most impressively they are teaching me how to be forgiving, loving and loyal.
When working with Chester running barrels he starts thinking ahead of me and I could easily be on auto-pilot. Which can be a bit dangerous when you are moving in high gear. But, it's important that I keep him listening to me and vary the patterns a bit. I cant blame him I, too, would be bored stiff doing the same thing all the time.
And...last night I was in a hurry to get him loaded on the trailer. He knows that he gets a treat of grain when he jumps in the trailer but I was out so ....no go. Yep, a bit embarrassing standing in the arena parking lot when the boy planted his four beautiful hooves in the sand and wouldn't budge. There are lots of ways folks get their horses on the trailer many of which I am opposed to......no whips for my sweet Curly. So I pondered it for a while like Whinny the Pooh bear and came up with a novel idea. Ask a friend for some treats. Chester jumped right in and gave me a sweet nuzzle as if to say; "Girl, I wondered how long it would take you to remember".
Daily interactions with our Curlies are helping me grow as an individual. But, I am enjoying learning how to develop human characteristics with horses like Mama Red. It takes time and lots of homework (and groundwork) to develop trust, loyalty and respect. Yep, our Curlies sure are good teachers.