Thursday, July 22, 2010

Chester and I visit a race track

Hello All, 
Chester, my stallion, a good friend, his beautiful paint QH who lives up to her name, Big Booty Judy and I went to a new place that is having barrel races.  The interesting thing about this place which is called, Double Nickel, is that it has a race track around it. 

So we decided to walk on the track and he decides to "breeze" Judy meantime Chester and I are just enjoying the evening breeze and walk straight towards a cute little jockey on a horse with legs that are taller than Chester and I put to together. Wow, and he was flying right towards like something out of Star Wars.I wasn't sure how Chester would react with a horse "flying" by him by and admit my heart started beating, yes, a part of me was a bit worried he take off and try to catch them but he did great.  Just kept walking forward and showing off his curls{:>

He did make sure and try to let the ladies know his name when they asked but now I only have to say in a deep voice, "no sir" and he stops and looks the other way{:>

Angie and my Curly Chester man

Monday, July 5, 2010

Cowgirls and Wildflowers ....lead the trail to Texas

Hello all,
We had our July 4th parade on Saturday morning and I was going to cancel our being in it due to the weather and my concerns about our horses not being ready for the barking dogs, kids running out to pick up candy and the sounds.....this would have been their first parade and come to think of first one too a participant..... but my cowgirl friends would not hear of it so we took the show on the road and my wonderful husband, Hank, who after 20 years plus is use to my crazy ideas agreed to be our cowboy chauffeur.
Our theme was "Cowgirls and Wildflowers ....lead the trail to Texas". We had seven cowgirls between the ages of four and 66 with a lot of spunk spirit. Our little cowgirls were great heehaw and showing our their pink boots, cowgirl hats and bandannas while sitting proud on the hay bales. Our Tundra had longhorns on the front grill and was filled with Sunflowers, Bluebonnets and every imaginable wild flower you could dream of.... Leann and I danced to Reba McIntyre, Marinda Lambert and Hank Williams while walking through downtown Kaufman handing out flyers about our wonderful Curly and Curly Mustangs.
P.S. we are already working on our safe riding skills for next years parade{:>
Hope everyone has a fun and safe July 4th.
Angie and her Curly friends.