Thursday, February 19, 2009

Cinnamon River is doing great and feels right at home

Cinnamon River is a most wonderful personality. When you go up to him he reaches out and lays his head on your arm for you to give him a sweet rub or pat. River is quite a ladies man and our Jennies, Salsa and Sarita make a point of grazing nearby him in the pasture. He is a fast learner and wants very much to please. It is a pleasure spending time with him. We are really lucky to have River here at Golden Curls Ranch.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Mama Becca and our three new kids

Hello All,

It's been really busy at Golden Curls Ranch with all the fence building (and learning how to use proper tools), barn cats re-homing, stall mucking, feedings, grooming and learning to "properly" lung Chester and Lakota. Not to mention Cinnamon River is home! Yee Haw.....

So, I asked Mama Becca if she could help me out with this week's update and she said; "no problem I've been working on a new chapter" or baaaaaa, baaaaaaaa

Grandmama Angie and her Grand "kids"

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Chester and Lakota greet Cinnamon River

Cinnamon River arrived home at Golden Curls Ranch this past Sunday night. It was a pleasant trip home and we arrived around 10:00pm. We always have a good time with our friends and trainers Chris and Caren Ruthven so we stayed a bit longer than we should be all went well. When arrived my hubby pulled the trailer into the arena and I jumped in beside River. I untied his lead rope and he turned to look at me. He slowly backed up as I spoke softly explaining how happy we were that we was home. After a nice walk around, several flakes of good hay and water he was ready to kick back and make himself at home.

Meantime, Chester and Lakota were standing with both ears straight ahead looking at River who was around 20 feet from them. Not a word was spoken. Funny, I remember the same encounter when we brought our youngest son, Nicholas home and his older brothers just kinda stared at him in silence. They love him with all their hearts and soon Chester and Lakota will be playing with each other in the pasture.

Chester and Cinnamon River grew up together since they were born approximately three months apart. So it seems natural that they know each other. I have heard horses have great memories so this is sure to be a good test.